Welcome to Brunswick Credit Union

Local | Honest | Banking

AGM Registration Are Open!

Join the virtual meeting from the comfort of your own home.

AGM Date: Thursday, April 24, 2025

Meeting Time: 4:00 pm

Register Now at 2025 Brunswick AGM Registration

Read full details about the AGM at 2025 BrunswickCU AGM

Registration closes April 10, 2025.

Student Awards Program 2025

Brunswick Credit Union offers twenty (20) $1,000 Student Awards to support students who embody the values of a good citizen, including responsibility, compassion, honesty, integrity, tolerance, and cooperation.

Our Local Divisions

About Us

In the fall of 2022, the members of Advance Savings Credit Union, Bayview Credit Union and Progressive Credit Union voted to merge to build one strong sustainable credit union.  

With over 40,000 members and 1 billion in assets, Brunswick Credit Union is New Brunswick’s largest provincially regulated credit union. We keep local decision-making first and always have the best interests in mind of our collective membership and the communities we serve.   

 As a credit union, we’re more than your average bank. We’re a cooperative—a small point, but a big difference. Being a cooperative means our customers are also our members—which means what’s good for you is good for us. 

 From everyday banking needs like chequing and savings accounts, to long-term savings, mortgages, loans, and business banking, we offer all the products and services you expect from a financial institution.